Tuesday 28 September 2010

Behold, the Baby Arm!!

Just the other day I was invited to go see the new Resident Evil film. To be honest I wasn't expecting it to be amazing but seeing as the last few were quite terrible. This one though surprised me. It decided to stick closer to the game than the others did which was awesome, seeing as most game to films just disregard everything from the game, why I have no idea, are they not expecting their main target audience to be those gamers who played the game? If they are trying to boost sales a little of the game by people seeing the game then that doesn't work in the long term if the two are nothing alike. 
Anyway, on the way home from the cinema Gary, James and I were somewhat in a giddy mood. This then lead to the creation of the so called baby arm. What is this baby arm you may ask, well let me tell you. It's not just a baby's arm, nor someone with a small arm like a baby. Imagine if your forearm was the body of a baby but its head was still your fist. Imagine the endless possibilities this could open up. Just thing of how intense your grip on things would become. you could hold all the things you could normally plus two smaller things! Tasks at hand would be dwarfed thanks to the baby arm. If you were a waiter then you could carry your main tray and two sides. or even one larger tray with added stability! If you were a boxer you would have a punch like a trident! If you were a samurai then you could wield a sword and two daggers thanks to your baby arm! All this power just from the baby arm!
Needless to say the majority of the way home our stomachs were in a lot of pain due to the endless laughing and thanks to the new creation our friend Lucy decided to walk a little further ahead of us than normal.
All in all the baby arm was an epic creation.
We shall rule the world with two baby fists!

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